- Today’s Veggie Lunch Plate 880 yen
All the food on the plate were healthy and tasty.
The amount was a little bit too small for a big eater like me, though.
I could eat 2 of this:)
But a Japanese health tip says “Harahatibu(腹八分)” that means you keep your body healthy if you eat moderately.
It is reasonable for a vegan lunch plate, too.
Here is a menu in Japanese.
Most of vegetables are organic and chemical free from Mui Farm.
Also they make sauces and seasonings themselves.
They run a beauty salon, too.
Address : 沖縄県名護市大東1-1-7 2F
Phone : 098-054-4598
Website : http://sanctuary-void.jp/
Blog : http://nagovoid.ti-da.net/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/sanctuaryvoid/?fref=ts